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Year(s) Location(s) Epidemic
1657 Boston Measles
1687 Boston Measles
1657 Boston Measles
1657 Boston Measles
1690    New York Yellow Fever
1713 Boston Measles
1729 Boston Measles
1732-33 Worldwide Influenza
1738 South Carolina Smallpox
1739-40 Boston Measles
1747 CT, NY, PA, SC Measles
1759  North America Measles
1761 North America and West Indies Influenza
1772 North America Measles
1775 N. America NE Unknown epidemic
1775-76 Worldwide  Influenza (one of the worst epidemics)
1783 Dover, DE  Bilious Disorder (extremely fatal)
1788 Philadelphia and New York Measles
1793 Vermont A "Putrid" fever and Influenza
1793 VA Influenza (killed 500 in 5 counties in 4 weeks)   
1793 Philadelphia  Yellow Fever (one of the worst epidemics)
1793 Harrisburg, PA Unknown (many unexplained deaths)
1793 Middletown, PA Unknown (many mysterious deaths)
1794 Philadelphia, PA Yellow Fever
1796-97 Philadelphia, PA Yellow Fever
1798 Philadelphia, PA Yellow Fever (one of the worst)
1803 New York Yellow Fever
1820-23 Nationwide "Fever" (starts Schuylkill River and spreads)
1831-32 Nationwide Cholera (brought by English emigrants)
1832 NY City and other major cities Cholera
1837 Philadelphia Typhus
1841 Nationwide Yellow Fever (severe in the South)
1847 New Orleans Yellow Fever
1847-48 Worldwide Influenza
1848-49 North America Cholera
1850 Nationwide Yellow Fever
1850-51 North America Influenza
1852 Nationwide Yellow Fever (New Orleans-8,000 deaths)
1855 Nationwide Yellow Fever (many parts)
1857-59 Worldwide  Influenza (one of the greatest epidemics)
1860-61 Pennsylvania Smallpox
1865-73 Philadelphia, NY, Boston, New Orleans, Baltimore, Memphis, Washington DC Smallpox, Cholera, A series of recurring epidemics of: Typhus, Typhoid, Scarlet Fever, Yellow Fever
1873-5 North America and Europe Influenza
1878  New Orleans Yellow Fever (last great epidemic)
1885 Plymouth, PA Typhoid
1886 Jacksonville, FL Yellow Fever
1918 Worldwide Influenza

(Last modified: Feb 3rd 2014, 13:19)


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